A new trailer for “Shaka, A Story of Aloha” dropped onto YouTube today that includes scenes from all the epic shots of the film.
We’re excited and thankful that we’ve ben able to get this far during a shoot that ended up extending to a three year period due to the pandemic. At times, it seemed like we’d never get a break. But the story proved too tantalizing to not do, so we waited until it was safe to get back to the Kupuna interviews and they did not disappoint.

Master fisherman Mona Kahawaii readies row boat for Hukilau fishing.
Through the production, we took on some really big shots in outdoor locations in some cases with over 1,000 people. Then we did a Shaka Contest event that turned out to be on par with pulling off a sizable wedding. All this to underscore the impact and significance of the Shaka story.

Pake Salmon gets ready for a wet shot.
BTS (Behind-the-Scenes) Factoid: Pretty much the entire music piece that plays behind the 2:40 piece was ripped by Henry while sitting on a hau tree stump in the back of Mark Loughridge’s backyard. We had finished the interview of Henry that you see parts of in the trailer, then we went to get some background b-roll of him strumming on his guitar. Taped rolled and so did Henry… a 2 minute crescendo that makes the soundtrack for the trailer. Genius happens. We were lucky to be there to capture it. Mahalo to God for putting the love and talent into our brother Henry.