Filmmaker’s Statement
Aloha, my name is Steve Sue, producer/writer of “Shaka, A Story of Aloha.” My film started as a passing curiosity on where the Shaka gesture came from and what it means. One day, a friend mentioned to me that he had relatives in the North Shore Oahu town of La‘ie who knew the story first-hand and that he could introduce me to them. I agreed and visited them to hear their story on the origin of the Shaka. It turns out that much of their story has been kept a secret, but given their advancing age, they asked me to share their story with the world before it was too late.
In May 2019, I took a film crew to La’ie to capture oral testimony 6 individual Kupuna (elders). My only intent at the time was to preserve their oral history and donate the content to a historical archive like the Bishop Museum. As part of the packaging process, I wrote a summary of the content which got noticed in a chance meeting with Kamehameha Schools. KS said the story needed to be told and that they would fund the project if I agreed to do it. I agreed on one condition: that KS provide cultural experts to ensure that the project was accomplished with sensitivity and accuracy.
Once in production, alternative origin stories came to light. I decided to present all credible findings and let audiences decide for themselves which version they like best. The film became a global journey from Japan’s Buddhist temples to Brazil’s waves to Hawaii’s epic North Shore breaks, as a quest to unravel the mystery of the Shaka gesture. Through the project, I discovered why it ignites pride in train-jumpers, surfers, and everyday adventurers alike. I also came to an understanding of the Shakaʻs origins, meanings, and how it holds the key to creating and preserving paradise.
While the initial goal was a 20-minute educational documentary, the storyline pushed the timeline to feature-length and public interest pushed demand for public release, and the moral of the story has organically turned into a movement based on a film. In the end, this film holds the secret to creating and maintaining paradise, presenting the opportunity to change attitudes around the world for good with the notion of sharing aloha through the Shaka story.
As the worldʻs leading “Shaka Expert,” I know this story is relevant to a world in need of hope, inspiration, happiness and peace. Iʻm honored to have been entrusted with this story and hope that you’ll enjoy and use the Shaka to make the world a better place.
Steve Sue, Producer/Writer “Shaka, A Story of Aloha” For more, see SteveSue.com »
Shaka Film is Part of a Share Aloha Movement