Exit Survey Mahalo nui for watching our Rough Cut.Your comments will help drive the final cut. Please be candid:How would you describe this movie to others?(Required)Are you aware of any evidence that refutes anything in this movie?(Required)Was anything confusing that was not cleared up by the end?(Required)Was any part too slow? (note scenes and be as specific as possible)(Required)What did you like most about this movie?(Required)Which of the following describes this movie? (mark as many as apply)(Required) Good Story Incomplete Story Comprehensive Confusing Predictable Thought-Provoking Emotionally Satisfying Different/Original Too Slow in Spots Too Fast in Spots Well-Paced How close is the rough cut to being a final cut? Done. Send it! Needs a few tweaks. Needs a bunch of tweaks. Needs a ton of work. Needs re-concepting. What's your reaction to the overall concept of this movie?(Required) Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Would you recommend the final cut of this movie to others?(Required) Yes, Definitely Yes, Probably No, Probably Not No, Definitely Not Your Gender(Required) Female Male Other Your Age Group(Required) Under 12 12-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 & Older Your Name(Required) First Last Your Email(Required) DONATE TODAY!TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS support Shaka Film finishing and promotions budgets.Make a Donation Yes No Donation Amount(Required) $10,000 "Buddha" Level (Cameo & End Credit) $5,000 "Fear Not" Level (End Credit) $1,000 "Right On!" Level (End Credit) $500 "Hang Loose" Level (End Credit) $250 "Mahalo" Level (End Credit) $100 "Friend" Level (End Credit) Other Cameos & end credits only available for donations made before January 1, 2024.Donation Amount(Required) Total Credit Card(Required)Card Details Cardholder Name I would like to receive the newsletter.